
// Readonly users
// e.g. array('users', 'guest', ...)
$readonly_users = array(

// Global readonly, including when auth is not being used
$global_readonly = false;

// user specific directories
// array('Username' => 'Directory path', 'Username2' => 'Directory path', ...)
$directories_users = array();

// Enable highlight.js (https://highlightjs.org/) on view's page
$use_highlightjs = true;

// highlight.js style
// for dark theme use 'ir-black'
$highlightjs_style = 'vs';

// Enable ace.js (https://ace.c9.io/) on view's page
$edit_files = true;

// Default timezone for date() and time()
// Doc - http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
$default_timezone = 'Etc/UTC'; // UTC

// Root path for file manager
// use absolute path of directory i.e: '/var/www/folder' or $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/folder'
$root_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];

// Root url for links in file manager.Relative to $http_host. Variants: '', 'path/to/subfolder'
// Will not working if $root_path will be outside of server document root
$root_url = '';

// Server hostname. Can set manually if wrong
// $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/folder'
$http_host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

// input encoding for iconv
$iconv_input_encoding = 'UTF-8';

// date() format for file modification date
// Doc - https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
$datetime_format = 'm/d/Y g:i A';

// Path display mode when viewing file information
// 'full' => show full path
// 'relative' => show path relative to root_path
// 'host' => show path on the host
$path_display_mode = 'full';

// Allowed file extensions for create and rename files
// e.g. 'txt,html,css,js'
$allowed_file_extensions = '';

// Allowed file extensions for upload files
// e.g. 'gif,png,jpg,html,txt'
$allowed_upload_extensions = '';

// Favicon path. This can be either a full url to an .PNG image, or a path based on the document root.
// full path, e.g http://example.com/favicon.png
// local path, e.g images/icons/favicon.png
$favicon_path = '';

// Files and folders to excluded from listing
// e.g. array('myfile.html', 'personal-folder', '*.php', ...)
$exclude_items = array();

// Online office Docs Viewer
// Availabe rules are 'google', 'microsoft' or false
// Google => View documents using Google Docs Viewer
// Microsoft => View documents using Microsoft Web Apps Viewer
// false => disable online doc viewer
$online_viewer = 'google';

// Sticky Nav bar
// true => enable sticky header
// false => disable sticky header
$sticky_navbar = true;

// Maximum file upload size
// Increase the following values in php.ini to work properly
// memory_limit, upload_max_filesize, post_max_size
$max_upload_size_bytes = 5000000000; // size 5,000,000,000 bytes (~5GB)

// chunk size used for upload
// eg. decrease to 1MB if nginx reports problem 413 entity too large
$upload_chunk_size_bytes = 2000000; // chunk size 2,000,000 bytes (~2MB)

// Possible rules are 'OFF', 'AND' or 'OR'
// OFF => Don't check connection IP, defaults to OFF
// AND => Connection must be on the whitelist, and not on the blacklist
// OR => Connection must be on the whitelist, or not on the blacklist
$ip_ruleset = 'OFF';

// Should users be notified of their block?
$ip_silent = true;

// IP-addresses, both ipv4 and ipv6
$ip_whitelist = array(
    '',    // local ipv4
    '::1'           // local ipv6

// IP-addresses, both ipv4 and ipv6
$ip_blacklist = array(
    '',      // non-routable meta ipv4
    '::'            // non-routable meta ipv6

// if User has the external config file, try to use it to override the default config above [config.php]
// sample config - https://tinyfilemanager.github.io/config-sample.txt
$config_file = __DIR__.'/config.php';
if (is_readable($config_file)) {

// External CDN resources that can be used in the HTML (replace for GDPR compliance)
$external = array(
    'css-bootstrap' => '',
    'css-dropzone' => '',
    'css-font-awesome' => '',
    'css-highlightjs' => '',
    'js-ace' => '',
    'js-bootstrap' => '',
    'js-dropzone' => '',
    'js-jquery' => '',
    'js-jquery-datatables' => '',
    'js-highlightjs' => '',
    'pre-jsdelivr' => '',
    'pre-cloudflare' => ''


// max upload file size
define('MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE', $max_upload_size_bytes);

// upload chunk size
define('UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE', $upload_chunk_size_bytes);

// private key and session name to store to the session
if ( !defined( 'FM_SESSION_ID')) {
    define('FM_SESSION_ID', 'filemanager');

// Configuration
$cfg = new FM_Config();

// Default language
$lang = isset($cfg->data['lang']) ? $cfg->data['lang'] : 'en';

// Show or hide files and folders that starts with a dot
$show_hidden_files = isset($cfg->data['show_hidden']) ? $cfg->data['show_hidden'] : true;

// PHP error reporting - false = Turns off Errors, true = Turns on Errors
$report_errors = isset($cfg->data['error_reporting']) ? $cfg->data['error_reporting'] : true;

// Hide Permissions and Owner cols in file-listing
$hide_Cols = isset($cfg->data['hide_Cols']) ? $cfg->data['hide_Cols'] : true;

// Theme
$theme = isset($cfg->data['theme']) ? $cfg->data['theme'] : 'light';

define('FM_THEME', $theme);

//available languages
$lang_list = array(
    'en' => 'English'

if ($report_errors == true) {
    @ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
    @ini_set('display_errors', 1);
} else {
    @ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
    @ini_set('display_errors', 0);

// if fm included
if (defined('FM_EMBED')) {
    $use_auth = false;
    $sticky_navbar = false;
} else {


    ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '<') && function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) {
    if (function_exists('mb_regex_encoding')) {

    session_cache_limiter('nocache'); // Prevent logout issue after page was cached
    session_name(FM_SESSION_ID );
    function session_error_handling_function($code, $msg, $file, $line) {
        // Permission denied for default session, try to create a new one
        if ($code == 2) {

//Generating CSRF Token
if (empty($_SESSION['token'])) {
    if (function_exists('random_bytes')) {
        $_SESSION['token'] = bin2hex(random_bytes(32));
    } else {
        $_SESSION['token'] = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32));

if (empty($auth_users)) {
    $use_auth = false;

$is_https = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 1)

// update $root_url based on user specific directories
if (isset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']) && !empty($directories_users[$_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']])) {
    $wd = fm_clean_path(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
    $root_url =  $root_url.$wd.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$directories_users[$_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']];
// clean $root_url
$root_url = fm_clean_path($root_url);

// abs path for site
defined('FM_ROOT_URL') || define('FM_ROOT_URL', ($is_https ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $http_host . (!empty($root_url) ? '/' . $root_url : ''));
defined('FM_SELF_URL') || define('FM_SELF_URL', ($is_https ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $http_host . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

// logout
if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
    unset( $_SESSION['token']); 

// Validate connection IP
if ($ip_ruleset != 'OFF') {
    function getClientIP() {
        if (array_key_exists('HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP', $_SERVER)) {
            return  $_SERVER["HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP"];
        }else if (array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER)) {
            return  $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
        }else if (array_key_exists('REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER)) {
            return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        }else if (array_key_exists('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', $_SERVER)) {
            return $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
        return '';

    $clientIp = getClientIP();
    $proceed = false;
    $whitelisted = in_array($clientIp, $ip_whitelist);
    $blacklisted = in_array($clientIp, $ip_blacklist);

    if($ip_ruleset == 'AND'){
        if($whitelisted == true && $blacklisted == false){
            $proceed = true;
    } else
    if($ip_ruleset == 'OR'){
         if($whitelisted == true || $blacklisted == false){
            $proceed = true;

    if($proceed == false){
        trigger_error('User connection denied from: ' . $clientIp, E_USER_WARNING);

        if($ip_silent == false){
            fm_set_msg(lng('Access denied. IP restriction applicable'), 'error');

// Checking if the user is logged in or not. If not, it will show the login form.
if ($use_auth) {
    if (isset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged'], $auth_users[$_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']])) {
        // Logged
    } elseif (isset($_POST['fm_usr'], $_POST['fm_pwd'], $_POST['token'])) {
        // Logging In
        if(function_exists('password_verify')) {
            if (isset($auth_users[$_POST['fm_usr']]) && isset($_POST['fm_pwd']) && password_verify($_POST['fm_pwd'], $auth_users[$_POST['fm_usr']]) && verifyToken($_POST['token'])) {
                $_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged'] = $_POST['fm_usr'];
                fm_set_msg(lng('You are logged in'));
            } else {
                fm_set_msg(lng('Login failed. Invalid username or password'), 'error');
        } else {
            fm_set_msg(lng('password_hash not supported, Upgrade PHP version'), 'error');;
    } else {
        // Form
".lng('Root path')." \"{$root_path}\" ".lng('not found!')." "; exit; } defined('FM_SHOW_HIDDEN') || define('FM_SHOW_HIDDEN', $show_hidden_files); defined('FM_ROOT_PATH') || define('FM_ROOT_PATH', $root_path); defined('FM_LANG') || define('FM_LANG', $lang); defined('FM_FILE_EXTENSION') || define('FM_FILE_EXTENSION', $allowed_file_extensions); defined('FM_UPLOAD_EXTENSION') || define('FM_UPLOAD_EXTENSION', $allowed_upload_extensions); defined('FM_EXCLUDE_ITEMS') || define('FM_EXCLUDE_ITEMS', (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0.0', '<') ? serialize($exclude_items) : $exclude_items)); defined('FM_DOC_VIEWER') || define('FM_DOC_VIEWER', $online_viewer); define('FM_READONLY', $global_readonly || ($use_auth && !empty($readonly_users) && isset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']) && in_array($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged'], $readonly_users))); define('FM_IS_WIN', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\'); // always use ?p= if (!isset($_GET['p']) && empty($_FILES)) { fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p='); } // get path $p = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : (isset($_POST['p']) ? $_POST['p'] : ''); // clean path $p = fm_clean_path($p); // for ajax request - save $input = file_get_contents('php://input'); $_POST = (strpos($input, 'ajax') != FALSE && strpos($input, 'save') != FALSE) ? json_decode($input, true) : $_POST; // instead globals vars define('FM_PATH', $p); define('FM_USE_AUTH', $use_auth); define('FM_EDIT_FILE', $edit_files); defined('FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC') || define('FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC', $iconv_input_encoding); defined('FM_USE_HIGHLIGHTJS') || define('FM_USE_HIGHLIGHTJS', $use_highlightjs); defined('FM_HIGHLIGHTJS_STYLE') || define('FM_HIGHLIGHTJS_STYLE', $highlightjs_style); defined('FM_DATETIME_FORMAT') || define('FM_DATETIME_FORMAT', $datetime_format); unset($p, $use_auth, $iconv_input_encoding, $use_highlightjs, $highlightjs_style); /*************************** ACTIONS ***************************/ // Handle all AJAX Request if ((isset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged'], $auth_users[$_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['logged']]) || !FM_USE_AUTH) && isset($_POST['ajax'], $_POST['token']) && !FM_READONLY) { if(!verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); die("Invalid Token."); } //search : get list of files from the current folder if(isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type']=="search") { $dir = $_POST['path'] == "." ? '': $_POST['path']; $response = scan(fm_clean_path($dir), $_POST['content']); echo json_encode($response); exit(); } // save editor file if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "save") { // get current path $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } // check path if (!is_dir($path)) { fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p='); } $file = $_GET['edit']; $file = fm_clean_path($file); $file = str_replace('/', '', $file); if ($file == '' || !is_file($path . '/' . $file)) { fm_set_msg(lng('File not found'), 'error'); $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } header('X-XSS-Protection:0'); $file_path = $path . '/' . $file; $writedata = $_POST['content']; $fd = fopen($file_path, "w"); $write_results = @fwrite($fd, $writedata); fclose($fd); if ($write_results === false){ header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"); die("Could Not Write File! - Check Permissions / Ownership"); } die(true); } // backup files if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "backup" && !empty($_POST['file'])) { $fileName = fm_clean_path($_POST['file']); $fullPath = FM_ROOT_PATH . '/'; if (!empty($_POST['path'])) { $relativeDirPath = fm_clean_path($_POST['path']); $fullPath .= "{$relativeDirPath}/"; } $date = date("dMy-His"); $newFileName = "{$fileName}-{$date}.bak"; $fullyQualifiedFileName = $fullPath . $fileName; try { if (!file_exists($fullyQualifiedFileName)) { throw new Exception("File {$fileName} not found"); } if (copy($fullyQualifiedFileName, $fullPath . $newFileName)) { echo "Backup {$newFileName} created"; } else { throw new Exception("Could not copy file {$fileName}"); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } // Save Config if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "settings") { global $cfg, $lang, $report_errors, $show_hidden_files, $lang_list, $hide_Cols, $theme; $newLng = $_POST['js-language']; fm_get_translations([]); if (!array_key_exists($newLng, $lang_list)) { $newLng = 'en'; } $erp = isset($_POST['js-error-report']) && $_POST['js-error-report'] == "true" ? true : false; $shf = isset($_POST['js-show-hidden']) && $_POST['js-show-hidden'] == "true" ? true : false; $hco = isset($_POST['js-hide-cols']) && $_POST['js-hide-cols'] == "true" ? true : false; $te3 = $_POST['js-theme-3']; if ($cfg->data['lang'] != $newLng) { $cfg->data['lang'] = $newLng; $lang = $newLng; } if ($cfg->data['error_reporting'] != $erp) { $cfg->data['error_reporting'] = $erp; $report_errors = $erp; } if ($cfg->data['show_hidden'] != $shf) { $cfg->data['show_hidden'] = $shf; $show_hidden_files = $shf; } if ($cfg->data['show_hidden'] != $shf) { $cfg->data['show_hidden'] = $shf; $show_hidden_files = $shf; } if ($cfg->data['hide_Cols'] != $hco) { $cfg->data['hide_Cols'] = $hco; $hide_Cols = $hco; } if ($cfg->data['theme'] != $te3) { $cfg->data['theme'] = $te3; $theme = $te3; } $cfg->save(); echo true; } // new password hash if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "pwdhash") { $res = isset($_POST['inputPassword2']) && !empty($_POST['inputPassword2']) ? password_hash($_POST['inputPassword2'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT) : ''; echo $res; } //upload using url if(isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "upload" && !empty($_REQUEST["uploadurl"])) { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } function event_callback ($message) { global $callback; echo json_encode($message); } function get_file_path () { global $path, $fileinfo, $temp_file; return $path."/".basename($fileinfo->name); } $url = !empty($_REQUEST["uploadurl"]) && preg_match("|^http(s)?://.+$|", stripslashes($_REQUEST["uploadurl"])) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST["uploadurl"]) : null; //prevent 127.* domain and known ports $domain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); $port = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PORT); $knownPorts = [22, 23, 25, 3306]; if (preg_match("/^localhost$|^127(?:\.[0-9]+){0,2}\.[0-9]+$|^(?:0*\:)*?:?0*1$/i", $domain) || in_array($port, $knownPorts)) { $err = array("message" => "URL is not allowed"); event_callback(array("fail" => $err)); exit(); } $use_curl = false; $temp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "upload-"); $fileinfo = new stdClass(); $fileinfo->name = trim(basename($url), ".\x00..\x20"); $allowed = (FM_UPLOAD_EXTENSION) ? explode(',', FM_UPLOAD_EXTENSION) : false; $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($fileinfo->name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $isFileAllowed = ($allowed) ? in_array($ext, $allowed) : true; $err = false; if(!$isFileAllowed) { $err = array("message" => "File extension is not allowed"); event_callback(array("fail" => $err)); exit(); } if (!$url) { $success = false; } else if ($use_curl) { @$fp = fopen($temp_file, "w"); @$ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, false ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); @$success = curl_exec($ch); $curl_info = curl_getinfo($ch); if (!$success) { $err = array("message" => curl_error($ch)); } @curl_close($ch); fclose($fp); $fileinfo->size = $curl_info["size_download"]; $fileinfo->type = $curl_info["content_type"]; } else { $ctx = stream_context_create(); @$success = copy($url, $temp_file, $ctx); if (!$success) { $err = error_get_last(); } } if ($success) { $success = rename($temp_file, strtok(get_file_path(), '?')); } if ($success) { event_callback(array("done" => $fileinfo)); } else { unlink($temp_file); if (!$err) { $err = array("message" => "Invalid url parameter"); } event_callback(array("fail" => $err)); } } exit(); } // Delete file / folder if (isset($_GET['del'], $_POST['token']) && !FM_READONLY) { $del = str_replace( '/', '', fm_clean_path( $_GET['del'] ) ); if ($del != '' && $del != '..' && $del != '.' && verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $is_dir = is_dir($path . '/' . $del); if (fm_rdelete($path . '/' . $del)) { $msg = $is_dir ? lng('Folder').' %s '.lng('Deleted') : lng('File').' %s '.lng('Deleted'); fm_set_msg(sprintf($msg, fm_enc($del))); } else { $msg = $is_dir ? lng('Folder').' %s '.lng('not deleted') : lng('File').' %s '.lng('not deleted'); fm_set_msg(sprintf($msg, fm_enc($del)), 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg(lng('Invalid file or folder name'), 'error'); } $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } // Create a new file/folder if (isset($_POST['newfilename'], $_POST['newfile'], $_POST['token']) && !FM_READONLY) { $type = urldecode($_POST['newfile']); $new = str_replace( '/', '', fm_clean_path( strip_tags( $_POST['newfilename'] ) ) ); if (fm_isvalid_filename($new) && $new != '' && $new != '..' && $new != '.' && verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } if ($type == "file") { if (!file_exists($path . '/' . $new)) { if(fm_is_valid_ext($new)) { @fopen($path . '/' . $new, 'w') or die('Cannot open file: ' . $new); fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('File').' %s '.lng('Created'), fm_enc($new))); } else { fm_set_msg(lng('File extension is not allowed'), 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('File').' %s '.lng('already exists'), fm_enc($new)), 'alert'); } } else { if (fm_mkdir($path . '/' . $new, false) === true) { fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('Folder').' %s '.lng('Created'), $new)); } elseif (fm_mkdir($path . '/' . $new, false) === $path . '/' . $new) { fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('Folder').' %s '.lng('already exists'), fm_enc($new)), 'alert'); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('Folder').' %s '.lng('not created'), fm_enc($new)), 'error'); } } } else { fm_set_msg(lng('Invalid characters in file or folder name'), 'error'); } $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } // Copy folder / file if (isset($_GET['copy'], $_GET['finish']) && !FM_READONLY) { // from $copy = urldecode($_GET['copy']); $copy = fm_clean_path($copy); // empty path if ($copy == '') { fm_set_msg(lng('Source path not defined'), 'error'); $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } // abs path from $from = FM_ROOT_PATH . '/' . $copy; // abs path to $dest = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $dest .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $dest .= '/' . basename($from); // move? $move = isset($_GET['move']); $move = fm_clean_path(urldecode($move)); // copy/move/duplicate if ($from != $dest) { $msg_from = trim(FM_PATH . '/' . basename($from), '/'); if ($move) { // Move and to != from so just perform move $rename = fm_rename($from, $dest); if ($rename) { fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('Moved from').' %s '.lng('to').' %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from))); } elseif ($rename === null) { fm_set_msg(lng('File or folder with this path already exists'), 'alert'); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('Error while moving from').' %s '.lng('to').' %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from)), 'error'); } } else { // Not move and to != from so copy with original name if (fm_rcopy($from, $dest)) { fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('Copied from').' %s '.lng('to').' %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from))); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('Error while copying from').' %s '.lng('to').' %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($msg_from)), 'error'); } } } else { if (!$move){ //Not move and to = from so duplicate $msg_from = trim(FM_PATH . '/' . basename($from), '/'); $fn_parts = pathinfo($from); $extension_suffix = ''; if(!is_dir($from)){ $extension_suffix = '.'.$fn_parts['extension']; } //Create new name for duplicate $fn_duplicate = $fn_parts['dirname'].'/'.$fn_parts['filename'].'-'.date('YmdHis').$extension_suffix; $loop_count = 0; $max_loop = 1000; // Check if a file with the duplicate name already exists, if so, make new name (edge case...) while(file_exists($fn_duplicate) & $loop_count < $max_loop){ $fn_parts = pathinfo($fn_duplicate); $fn_duplicate = $fn_parts['dirname'].'/'.$fn_parts['filename'].'-copy'.$extension_suffix; $loop_count++; } if (fm_rcopy($from, $fn_duplicate, False)) { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Copied from %s to %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($fn_duplicate))); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf('Error while copying from %s to %s', fm_enc($copy), fm_enc($fn_duplicate)), 'error'); } } else{ fm_set_msg(lng('Paths must be not equal'), 'alert'); } } $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } // Mass copy files/ folders if (isset($_POST['file'], $_POST['copy_to'], $_POST['finish'], $_POST['token']) && !FM_READONLY) { if(!verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { fm_set_msg(lng('Invalid Token.'), 'error'); } // from $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } // to $copy_to_path = FM_ROOT_PATH; $copy_to = fm_clean_path($_POST['copy_to']); if ($copy_to != '') { $copy_to_path .= '/' . $copy_to; } if ($path == $copy_to_path) { fm_set_msg(lng('Paths must be not equal'), 'alert'); $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } if (!is_dir($copy_to_path)) { if (!fm_mkdir($copy_to_path, true)) { fm_set_msg('Unable to create destination folder', 'error'); $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } } // move? $move = isset($_POST['move']); // copy/move $errors = 0; $files = $_POST['file']; if (is_array($files) && count($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { if ($f != '') { $f = fm_clean_path($f); // abs path from $from = $path . '/' . $f; // abs path to $dest = $copy_to_path . '/' . $f; // do if ($move) { $rename = fm_rename($from, $dest); if ($rename === false) { $errors++; } } else { if (!fm_rcopy($from, $dest)) { $errors++; } } } } if ($errors == 0) { $msg = $move ? 'Selected files and folders moved' : 'Selected files and folders copied'; fm_set_msg($msg); } else { $msg = $move ? 'Error while moving items' : 'Error while copying items'; fm_set_msg($msg, 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg(lng('Nothing selected'), 'alert'); } $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } // Rename if (isset($_POST['rename_from'], $_POST['rename_to'], $_POST['token']) && !FM_READONLY) { if(!verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { fm_set_msg("Invalid Token.", 'error'); } // old name $old = urldecode($_POST['rename_from']); $old = fm_clean_path($old); $old = str_replace('/', '', $old); // new name $new = urldecode($_POST['rename_to']); $new = fm_clean_path(strip_tags($new)); $new = str_replace('/', '', $new); // path $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } // rename if (fm_isvalid_filename($new) && $old != '' && $new != '') { if (fm_rename($path . '/' . $old, $path . '/' . $new)) { fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('Renamed from').' %s '. lng('to').' %s', fm_enc($old), fm_enc($new))); } else { fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('Error while renaming from').' %s '. lng('to').' %s', fm_enc($old), fm_enc($new)), 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg(lng('Invalid characters in file name'), 'error'); } $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } // Download if (isset($_GET['dl'], $_POST['token'])) { if(!verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { fm_set_msg("Invalid Token.", 'error'); } $dl = urldecode($_GET['dl']); $dl = fm_clean_path($dl); $dl = str_replace('/', '', $dl); $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } if ($dl != '' && is_file($path . '/' . $dl)) { fm_download_file($path . '/' . $dl, $dl, 1024); exit; } else { fm_set_msg(lng('File not found'), 'error'); $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } } // Upload if (!empty($_FILES) && !FM_READONLY) { if(isset($_POST['token'])) { if(!verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { $response = array ('status' => 'error','info' => "Invalid Token."); echo json_encode($response); exit(); } } else { $response = array ('status' => 'error','info' => "Token Missing."); echo json_encode($response); exit(); } $chunkIndex = $_POST['dzchunkindex']; $chunkTotal = $_POST['dztotalchunkcount']; $fullPathInput = fm_clean_path($_REQUEST['fullpath']); $f = $_FILES; $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $errors = 0; $uploads = 0; $allowed = (FM_UPLOAD_EXTENSION) ? explode(',', FM_UPLOAD_EXTENSION) : false; $response = array ( 'status' => 'error', 'info' => 'Oops! Try again' ); $filename = $f['file']['name']; $tmp_name = $f['file']['tmp_name']; $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME) != '' ? strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) : ''; $isFileAllowed = ($allowed) ? in_array($ext, $allowed) : true; if(!fm_isvalid_filename($filename) && !fm_isvalid_filename($fullPathInput)) { $response = array ( 'status' => 'error', 'info' => "Invalid File name!", ); echo json_encode($response); exit(); } $targetPath = $path . $ds; if ( is_writable($targetPath) ) { $fullPath = $path . '/' . basename($fullPathInput); $folder = substr($fullPath, 0, strrpos($fullPath, "/")); if (!is_dir($folder)) { $old = umask(0); mkdir($folder, 0777, true); umask($old); } if (empty($f['file']['error']) && !empty($tmp_name) && $tmp_name != 'none' && $isFileAllowed) { if ($chunkTotal){ $out = @fopen("{$fullPath}.part", $chunkIndex == 0 ? "wb" : "ab"); if ($out) { $in = @fopen($tmp_name, "rb"); if ($in) { if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80009) { // workaround https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=81145 do { for (;;) { $buff = fread($in, 4096); if ($buff === false || $buff === '') { break; } fwrite($out, $buff); } } while (!feof($in)); } else { stream_copy_to_stream($in, $out); } $response = array ( 'status' => 'success', 'info' => "file upload successful" ); } else { $response = array ( 'status' => 'error', 'info' => "failed to open output stream", 'errorDetails' => error_get_last() ); } @fclose($in); @fclose($out); @unlink($tmp_name); $response = array ( 'status' => 'success', 'info' => "file upload successful" ); } else { $response = array ( 'status' => 'error', 'info' => "failed to open output stream" ); } if ($chunkIndex == $chunkTotal - 1) { if (file_exists ($fullPath)) { $ext_1 = $ext ? '.'.$ext : ''; $fullPathTarget = $path . '/' . basename($fullPathInput, $ext_1) .'_'. date('ymdHis'). $ext_1; } else { $fullPathTarget = $fullPath; } rename("{$fullPath}.part", $fullPathTarget); } } else if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $fullPath)) { // Be sure that the file has been uploaded if ( file_exists($fullPath) ) { $response = array ( 'status' => 'success', 'info' => "file upload successful" ); } else { $response = array ( 'status' => 'error', 'info' => 'Couldn\'t upload the requested file.' ); } } else { $response = array ( 'status' => 'error', 'info' => "Error while uploading files. Uploaded files $uploads", ); } } } else { $response = array ( 'status' => 'error', 'info' => 'The specified folder for upload isn\'t writeable.' ); } // Return the response echo json_encode($response); exit(); } // Mass deleting if (isset($_POST['group'], $_POST['delete'], $_POST['token']) && !FM_READONLY) { if(!verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { fm_set_msg(lng("Invalid Token."), 'error'); } $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $errors = 0; $files = $_POST['file']; if (is_array($files) && count($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { if ($f != '') { $new_path = $path . '/' . $f; if (!fm_rdelete($new_path)) { $errors++; } } } if ($errors == 0) { fm_set_msg(lng('Selected files and folder deleted')); } else { fm_set_msg(lng('Error while deleting items'), 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg(lng('Nothing selected'), 'alert'); } $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } // Pack files zip, tar if (isset($_POST['group'], $_POST['token']) && (isset($_POST['zip']) || isset($_POST['tar'])) && !FM_READONLY) { if(!verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { fm_set_msg(lng("Invalid Token."), 'error'); } $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; $ext = 'zip'; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } //set pack type $ext = isset($_POST['tar']) ? 'tar' : 'zip'; if (($ext == "zip" && !class_exists('ZipArchive')) || ($ext == "tar" && !class_exists('PharData'))) { fm_set_msg(lng('Operations with archives are not available'), 'error'); $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } $files = $_POST['file']; $sanitized_files = array(); // clean path foreach($files as $file){ array_push($sanitized_files, fm_clean_path($file)); } $files = $sanitized_files; if (!empty($files)) { chdir($path); if (count($files) == 1) { $one_file = reset($files); $one_file = basename($one_file); $zipname = $one_file . '_' . date('ymd_His') . '.'.$ext; } else { $zipname = 'archive_' . date('ymd_His') . '.'.$ext; } if($ext == 'zip') { $zipper = new FM_Zipper(); $res = $zipper->create($zipname, $files); } elseif ($ext == 'tar') { $tar = new FM_Zipper_Tar(); $res = $tar->create($zipname, $files); } if ($res) { fm_set_msg(sprintf(lng('Archive').' %s '.lng('Created'), fm_enc($zipname))); } else { fm_set_msg(lng('Archive not created'), 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg(lng('Nothing selected'), 'alert'); } $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } // Unpack zip, tar if (isset($_POST['unzip'], $_POST['token']) && !FM_READONLY) { if(!verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { fm_set_msg(lng("Invalid Token."), 'error'); } $unzip = urldecode($_POST['unzip']); $unzip = fm_clean_path($unzip); $unzip = str_replace('/', '', $unzip); $isValid = false; $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } if ($unzip != '' && is_file($path . '/' . $unzip)) { $zip_path = $path . '/' . $unzip; $ext = pathinfo($zip_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $isValid = true; } else { fm_set_msg(lng('File not found'), 'error'); } if (($ext == "zip" && !class_exists('ZipArchive')) || ($ext == "tar" && !class_exists('PharData'))) { fm_set_msg(lng('Operations with archives are not available'), 'error'); $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } if ($isValid) { //to folder $tofolder = ''; if (isset($_POST['tofolder'])) { $tofolder = pathinfo($zip_path, PATHINFO_FILENAME); if (fm_mkdir($path . '/' . $tofolder, true)) { $path .= '/' . $tofolder; } } if($ext == "zip") { $zipper = new FM_Zipper(); $res = $zipper->unzip($zip_path, $path); } elseif ($ext == "tar") { try { $gzipper = new PharData($zip_path); if (@$gzipper->extractTo($path,null, true)) { $res = true; } else { $res = false; } } catch (Exception $e) { //TODO:: need to handle the error $res = true; } } if ($res) { fm_set_msg(lng('Archive unpacked')); } else { fm_set_msg(lng('Archive not unpacked'), 'error'); } } else { fm_set_msg(lng('File not found'), 'error'); } $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } // Change Perms (not for Windows) if (isset($_POST['chmod'], $_POST['token']) && !FM_READONLY && !FM_IS_WIN) { if(!verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { fm_set_msg(lng("Invalid Token."), 'error'); } $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } $file = $_POST['chmod']; $file = fm_clean_path($file); $file = str_replace('/', '', $file); if ($file == '' || (!is_file($path . '/' . $file) && !is_dir($path . '/' . $file))) { fm_set_msg(lng('File not found'), 'error'); $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } $mode = 0; if (!empty($_POST['ur'])) { $mode |= 0400; } if (!empty($_POST['uw'])) { $mode |= 0200; } if (!empty($_POST['ux'])) { $mode |= 0100; } if (!empty($_POST['gr'])) { $mode |= 0040; } if (!empty($_POST['gw'])) { $mode |= 0020; } if (!empty($_POST['gx'])) { $mode |= 0010; } if (!empty($_POST['or'])) { $mode |= 0004; } if (!empty($_POST['ow'])) { $mode |= 0002; } if (!empty($_POST['ox'])) { $mode |= 0001; } if (@chmod($path . '/' . $file, $mode)) { fm_set_msg(lng('Permissions changed')); } else { fm_set_msg(lng('Permissions not changed'), 'error'); } $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); } /*************************** ACTIONS ***************************/ // get current path $path = FM_ROOT_PATH; if (FM_PATH != '') { $path .= '/' . FM_PATH; } // check path if (!is_dir($path)) { fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p='); } // get parent folder $parent = fm_get_parent_path(FM_PATH); $objects = is_readable($path) ? scandir($path) : array(); $folders = array(); $files = array(); $current_path = array_slice(explode("/",$path), -1)[0]; if (is_array($objects) && fm_is_exclude_items($current_path)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } if (!FM_SHOW_HIDDEN && substr($file, 0, 1) === '.') { continue; } $new_path = $path . '/' . $file; if (@is_file($new_path) && fm_is_exclude_items($file)) { $files[] = $file; } elseif (@is_dir($new_path) && $file != '.' && $file != '..' && fm_is_exclude_items($file)) { $folders[] = $file; } } } if (!empty($files)) { natcasesort($files); } if (!empty($folders)) { natcasesort($folders); } // upload form if (isset($_GET['upload']) && !FM_READONLY) { fm_show_header(); // HEADER fm_show_nav_path(FM_PATH); // current path //get the allowed file extensions function getUploadExt() { $extArr = explode(',', FM_UPLOAD_EXTENSION); if(FM_UPLOAD_EXTENSION && $extArr) { array_walk($extArr, function(&$x) {$x = ".$x";}); return implode(',', $extArr); } return ''; } ?>
' . PHP_EOL; } ?>

: , ', $copy_files) ?>




Source path:
Destination folder:

Copy   Move   Cancel



File size:
: %
'.lng('Image size').': ' . (isset($image_size[0]) ? $image_size[0] : '0') . ' x ' . (isset($image_size[1]) ? $image_size[1] : '0') . '
'; } // Text info if ($is_text) { $is_utf8 = fm_is_utf8($content); if (function_exists('iconv')) { if (!$is_utf8) { $content = iconv(FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $content); } } echo ''.lng('Charset').': ' . ($is_utf8 ? 'utf-8' : '8 bit') . '
'; } ?>

'; } else if($online_viewer == 'microsoft') { echo ''; } } elseif ($is_zip) { // ZIP content if ($filenames !== false) { echo ''; foreach ($filenames as $fn) { if ($fn['folder']) { echo '' . fm_enc($fn['name']) . '
'; } else { echo $fn['name'] . ' (' . fm_get_filesize($fn['filesize']) . ')
'; } } echo '
'; } else { echo '

'.lng('Error while fetching archive info').'

'; } } elseif ($is_image) { // Image content if (in_array($ext, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp', 'ico', 'svg', 'webp', 'avif'))) { echo '

'; } } elseif ($is_audio) { // Audio content echo '

'; } elseif ($is_video) { // Video content echo '
'; } elseif ($is_text) { if (FM_USE_HIGHLIGHTJS) { // highlight $hljs_classes = array( 'shtml' => 'xml', 'htaccess' => 'apache', 'phtml' => 'php', 'lock' => 'json', 'svg' => 'xml', ); $hljs_class = isset($hljs_classes[$ext]) ? 'lang-' . $hljs_classes[$ext] : 'lang-' . $ext; if (empty($ext) || in_array(strtolower($file), fm_get_text_names()) || preg_match('#\.min\.(css|js)$#i', $file)) { $hljs_class = 'nohighlight'; } $content = '
' . fm_enc($content) . '
'; } elseif (in_array($ext, array('php', 'php4', 'php5', 'phtml', 'phps'))) { // php highlight $content = highlight_string($content, true); } else { $content = '
' . fm_enc($content) . '
'; } echo $content; } ?>
'. $file. ''; header('X-XSS-Protection:0'); fm_show_header(); // HEADER fm_show_nav_path(FM_PATH); // current path $file_url = FM_ROOT_URL . fm_convert_win((FM_PATH != '' ? '/' . FM_PATH : '') . '/' . $file); $file_path = $path . '/' . $file; // normal editer $isNormalEditor = true; if (isset($_GET['env'])) { if ($_GET['env'] == "ace") { $isNormalEditor = false; } } // Save File if (isset($_POST['savedata'])) { $writedata = $_POST['savedata']; $fd = fopen($file_path, "w"); @fwrite($fd, $writedata); fclose($fd); fm_set_msg(lng('File Saved Successfully')); } $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $mime_type = fm_get_mime_type($file_path); $filesize = filesize($file_path); $is_text = false; $content = ''; // for text if (in_array($ext, fm_get_text_exts()) || substr($mime_type, 0, 4) == 'text' || in_array($mime_type, fm_get_text_mimes())) { $is_text = true; $content = file_get_contents($file_path); } ?>
' . htmlspecialchars($content) . ''; echo ''; } elseif ($is_text) { echo '
' . htmlspecialchars($content) . '
'; } else { fm_set_msg(lng('FILE EXTENSION HAS NOT SUPPORTED'), 'error'); } ?>



'?'); } if ($group === false) { $group = array('name' => '?'); } } else { $owner = array('name' => '?'); $group = array('name' => '?'); } ?> '?'); } if ($group === false) { $group = array('name' => '?'); } } else { $owner = array('name' => '?'); $group = array('name' => '?'); } ?>
' . readlink($path . '/' . $f) . '' : '') ?>
' . readlink($path . '/' . $f) . '' : '') ?>
'.fm_get_filesize($all_files_size).'' ?> '.$num_files.'' ?> '.$num_folders.'' ?>
"; return; } echo "$external[$key]"; } /** * Verify CSRF TOKEN and remove after cerify * @param string $token * @return bool */ function verifyToken($token) { if (hash_equals($_SESSION['token'], $token)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Delete file or folder (recursively) * @param string $path * @return bool */ function fm_rdelete($path) { if (is_link($path)) { return unlink($path); } elseif (is_dir($path)) { $objects = scandir($path); $ok = true; if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (!fm_rdelete($path . '/' . $file)) { $ok = false; } } } } return ($ok) ? rmdir($path) : false; } elseif (is_file($path)) { return unlink($path); } return false; } /** * Recursive chmod * @param string $path * @param int $filemode * @param int $dirmode * @return bool * @todo Will use in mass chmod */ function fm_rchmod($path, $filemode, $dirmode) { if (is_dir($path)) { if (!chmod($path, $dirmode)) { return false; } $objects = scandir($path); if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (!fm_rchmod($path . '/' . $file, $filemode, $dirmode)) { return false; } } } } return true; } elseif (is_link($path)) { return true; } elseif (is_file($path)) { return chmod($path, $filemode); } return false; } /** * Check the file extension which is allowed or not * @param string $filename * @return bool */ function fm_is_valid_ext($filename) { $allowed = (FM_FILE_EXTENSION) ? explode(',', FM_FILE_EXTENSION) : false; $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $isFileAllowed = ($allowed) ? in_array($ext, $allowed) : true; return ($isFileAllowed) ? true : false; } /** * Safely rename * @param string $old * @param string $new * @return bool|null */ function fm_rename($old, $new) { $isFileAllowed = fm_is_valid_ext($new); if(!is_dir($old)) { if (!$isFileAllowed) return false; } return (!file_exists($new) && file_exists($old)) ? rename($old, $new) : null; } /** * Copy file or folder (recursively). * @param string $path * @param string $dest * @param bool $upd Update files * @param bool $force Create folder with same names instead file * @return bool */ function fm_rcopy($path, $dest, $upd = true, $force = true) { if (is_dir($path)) { if (!fm_mkdir($dest, $force)) { return false; } $objects = scandir($path); $ok = true; if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (!fm_rcopy($path . '/' . $file, $dest . '/' . $file)) { $ok = false; } } } } return $ok; } elseif (is_file($path)) { return fm_copy($path, $dest, $upd); } return false; } /** * Safely create folder * @param string $dir * @param bool $force * @return bool */ function fm_mkdir($dir, $force) { if (file_exists($dir)) { if (is_dir($dir)) { return $dir; } elseif (!$force) { return false; } unlink($dir); } return mkdir($dir, 0777, true); } /** * Safely copy file * @param string $f1 * @param string $f2 * @param bool $upd Indicates if file should be updated with new content * @return bool */ function fm_copy($f1, $f2, $upd) { $time1 = filemtime($f1); if (file_exists($f2)) { $time2 = filemtime($f2); if ($time2 >= $time1 && $upd) { return false; } } $ok = copy($f1, $f2); if ($ok) { touch($f2, $time1); } return $ok; } /** * Get mime type * @param string $file_path * @return mixed|string */ function fm_get_mime_type($file_path) { if (function_exists('finfo_open')) { $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $file_path); finfo_close($finfo); return $mime; } elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { return mime_content_type($file_path); } elseif (!stristr(ini_get('disable_functions'), 'shell_exec')) { $file = escapeshellarg($file_path); $mime = shell_exec('file -bi ' . $file); return $mime; } else { return '--'; } } /** * HTTP Redirect * @param string $url * @param int $code */ function fm_redirect($url, $code = 302) { header('Location: ' . $url, true, $code); exit; } /** * Path traversal prevention and clean the url * It replaces (consecutive) occurrences of / and \\ with whatever is in DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, and processes /. and /.. fine. * @param $path * @return string */ function get_absolute_path($path) { $path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); $parts = array_filter(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), 'strlen'); $absolutes = array(); foreach ($parts as $part) { if ('.' == $part) continue; if ('..' == $part) { array_pop($absolutes); } else { $absolutes[] = $part; } } return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $absolutes); } /** * Clean path * @param string $path * @return string */ function fm_clean_path($path, $trim = true) { $path = $trim ? trim($path) : $path; $path = trim($path, '\\/'); $path = str_replace(array('../', '..\\'), '', $path); $path = get_absolute_path($path); if ($path == '..') { $path = ''; } return str_replace('\\', '/', $path); } /** * Get parent path * @param string $path * @return bool|string */ function fm_get_parent_path($path) { $path = fm_clean_path($path); if ($path != '') { $array = explode('/', $path); if (count($array) > 1) { $array = array_slice($array, 0, -1); return implode('/', $array); } return ''; } return false; } function fm_get_display_path($file_path) { global $path_display_mode, $root_path, $root_url; switch ($path_display_mode) { case 'relative': return array( 'label' => 'Path', 'path' => fm_enc(fm_convert_win(str_replace($root_path, '', $file_path))) ); case 'host': $relative_path = str_replace($root_path, '', $file_path); return array( 'label' => 'Host Path', 'path' => fm_enc(fm_convert_win('/' . $root_url . '/' . ltrim(str_replace('\\', '/', $relative_path), '/'))) ); case 'full': default: return array( 'label' => 'Full Path', 'path' => fm_enc(fm_convert_win($file_path)) ); } } /** * Check file is in exclude list * @param string $file * @return bool */ function fm_is_exclude_items($file) { $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if (isset($exclude_items) and sizeof($exclude_items)) { unset($exclude_items); } $exclude_items = FM_EXCLUDE_ITEMS; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0.0', '<')) { $exclude_items = unserialize($exclude_items); } if (!in_array($file, $exclude_items) && !in_array("*.$ext", $exclude_items)) { return true; } return false; } /** * get language translations from json file * @param int $tr * @return array */ function fm_get_translations($tr) { try { $content = @file_get_contents('translation.json'); if($content !== FALSE) { $lng = json_decode($content, TRUE); global $lang_list; foreach ($lng["language"] as $key => $value) { $code = $value["code"]; $lang_list[$code] = $value["name"]; if ($tr) $tr[$code] = $value["translation"]; } return $tr; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e; } } /** * @param string $file * Recover all file sizes larger than > 2GB. * Works on php 32bits and 64bits and supports linux * @return int|string */ function fm_get_size($file) { static $iswin; static $isdarwin; if (!isset($iswin)) { $iswin = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN'); } if (!isset($isdarwin)) { $isdarwin = (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0)) == "DARWIN"); } static $exec_works; if (!isset($exec_works)) { $exec_works = (function_exists('exec') && !ini_get('safe_mode') && @exec('echo EXEC') == 'EXEC'); } // try a shell command if ($exec_works) { $arg = escapeshellarg($file); $cmd = ($iswin) ? "for %F in (\"$file\") do @echo %~zF" : ($isdarwin ? "stat -f%z $arg" : "stat -c%s $arg"); @exec($cmd, $output); if (is_array($output) && ctype_digit($size = trim(implode("\n", $output)))) { return $size; } } // try the Windows COM interface if ($iswin && class_exists("COM")) { try { $fsobj = new COM('Scripting.FileSystemObject'); $f = $fsobj->GetFile( realpath($file) ); $size = $f->Size; } catch (Exception $e) { $size = null; } if (ctype_digit($size)) { return $size; } } // if all else fails return filesize($file); } /** * Get nice filesize * @param int $size * @return string */ function fm_get_filesize($size) { $size = (float) $size; $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'); $power = ($size > 0) ? floor(log($size, 1024)) : 0; $power = ($power > (count($units) - 1)) ? (count($units) - 1) : $power; return sprintf('%s %s', round($size / pow(1024, $power), 2), $units[$power]); } /** * Get total size of directory tree. * * @param string $directory Relative or absolute directory name. * @return int Total number of bytes. */ function fm_get_directorysize($directory) { $bytes = 0; $directory = realpath($directory); if ($directory !== false && $directory != '' && file_exists($directory)){ foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory, FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS)) as $file){ $bytes += $file->getSize(); } } return $bytes; } /** * Get info about zip archive * @param string $path * @return array|bool */ function fm_get_zif_info($path, $ext) { if ($ext == 'zip' && function_exists('zip_open')) { $arch = @zip_open($path); if ($arch) { $filenames = array(); while ($zip_entry = @zip_read($arch)) { $zip_name = @zip_entry_name($zip_entry); $zip_folder = substr($zip_name, -1) == '/'; $filenames[] = array( 'name' => $zip_name, 'filesize' => @zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry), 'compressed_size' => @zip_entry_compressedsize($zip_entry), 'folder' => $zip_folder //'compression_method' => zip_entry_compressionmethod($zip_entry), ); } @zip_close($arch); return $filenames; } } elseif($ext == 'tar' && class_exists('PharData')) { $archive = new PharData($path); $filenames = array(); foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($archive) as $file) { $parent_info = $file->getPathInfo(); $zip_name = str_replace("phar://".$path, '', $file->getPathName()); $zip_name = substr($zip_name, ($pos = strpos($zip_name, '/')) !== false ? $pos + 1 : 0); $zip_folder = $parent_info->getFileName(); $zip_info = new SplFileInfo($file); $filenames[] = array( 'name' => $zip_name, 'filesize' => $zip_info->getSize(), 'compressed_size' => $file->getCompressedSize(), 'folder' => $zip_folder ); } return $filenames; } return false; } /** * Encode html entities * @param string $text * @return string */ function fm_enc($text) { return htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } /** * Prevent XSS attacks * @param string $text * @return string */ function fm_isvalid_filename($text) { return (strpbrk($text, '/?%*:|"<>') === FALSE) ? true : false; } /** * Save message in session * @param string $msg * @param string $status */ function fm_set_msg($msg, $status = 'ok') { $_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['message'] = $msg; $_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['status'] = $status; } /** * Check if string is in UTF-8 * @param string $string * @return int */ function fm_is_utf8($string) { return preg_match('//u', $string); } /** * Convert file name to UTF-8 in Windows * @param string $filename * @return string */ function fm_convert_win($filename) { if (FM_IS_WIN && function_exists('iconv')) { $filename = iconv(FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC, 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $filename); } return $filename; } /** * @param $obj * @return array */ function fm_object_to_array($obj) { if (!is_object($obj) && !is_array($obj)) { return $obj; } if (is_object($obj)) { $obj = get_object_vars($obj); } return array_map('fm_object_to_array', $obj); } /** * Get CSS classname for file * @param string $path * @return string */ function fm_get_file_icon_class($path) { // get extension $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); switch ($ext) { case 'ico': case 'gif': case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'jpc': case 'jp2': case 'jpx': case 'xbm': case 'wbmp': case 'png': case 'bmp': case 'tif': case 'tiff': case 'webp': case 'avif': case 'svg': $img = 'fa fa-picture-o'; break; case 'passwd': case 'ftpquota': case 'sql': case 'js': case 'ts': case 'jsx': case 'tsx': case 'hbs': case 'json': case 'sh': case 'config': case 'twig': case 'tpl': case 'md': case 'gitignore': case 'c': case 'cpp': case 'cs': case 'py': case 'rs': case 'map': case 'lock': case 'dtd': $img = 'fa fa-file-code-o'; break; case 'txt': case 'ini': case 'conf': case 'log': case 'htaccess': case 'yaml': case 'yml': case 'toml': case 'tmp': case 'top': case 'bot': case 'dat': case 'bak': case 'htpasswd': case 'pl': $img = 'fa fa-file-text-o'; break; case 'css': case 'less': case 'sass': case 'scss': $img = 'fa fa-css3'; break; case 'bz2': case 'zip': case 'rar': case 'gz': case 'tar': case '7z': case 'xz': $img = 'fa fa-file-archive-o'; break; case 'php': case 'php4': case 'php5': case 'phps': case 'phtml': $img = 'fa fa-code'; break; case 'htm': case 'html': case 'shtml': case 'xhtml': $img = 'fa fa-html5'; break; case 'xml': case 'xsl': $img = 'fa fa-file-excel-o'; break; case 'wav': case 'mp3': case 'mp2': case 'm4a': case 'aac': case 'ogg': case 'oga': case 'wma': case 'mka': case 'flac': case 'ac3': case 'tds': $img = 'fa fa-music'; break; case 'm3u': case 'm3u8': case 'pls': case 'cue': case 'xspf': $img = 'fa fa-headphones'; break; case 'avi': case 'mpg': case 'mpeg': case 'mp4': case 'm4v': case 'flv': case 'f4v': case 'ogm': case 'ogv': case 'mov': case 'mkv': case '3gp': case 'asf': case 'wmv': case 'webm': $img = 'fa fa-file-video-o'; break; case 'eml': case 'msg': $img = 'fa fa-envelope-o'; break; case 'xls': case 'xlsx': case 'ods': $img = 'fa fa-file-excel-o'; break; case 'csv': $img = 'fa fa-file-text-o'; break; case 'bak': case 'swp': $img = 'fa fa-clipboard'; break; case 'doc': case 'docx': case 'odt': $img = 'fa fa-file-word-o'; break; case 'ppt': case 'pptx': $img = 'fa fa-file-powerpoint-o'; break; case 'ttf': case 'ttc': case 'otf': case 'woff': case 'woff2': case 'eot': case 'fon': $img = 'fa fa-font'; break; case 'pdf': $img = 'fa fa-file-pdf-o'; break; case 'psd': case 'ai': case 'eps': case 'fla': case 'swf': $img = 'fa fa-file-image-o'; break; case 'exe': case 'msi': $img = 'fa fa-file-o'; break; case 'bat': $img = 'fa fa-terminal'; break; default: $img = 'fa fa-info-circle'; } return $img; } /** * Get image files extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_image_exts() { return array('ico', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpc', 'jp2', 'jpx', 'xbm', 'wbmp', 'png', 'bmp', 'tif', 'tiff', 'psd', 'svg', 'webp', 'avif'); } /** * Get video files extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_video_exts() { return array('avi', 'webm', 'wmv', 'mp4', 'm4v', 'ogm', 'ogv', 'mov', 'mkv'); } /** * Get audio files extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_audio_exts() { return array('wav', 'mp3', 'ogg', 'm4a'); } /** * Get text file extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_text_exts() { return array( 'txt', 'css', 'ini', 'conf', 'log', 'htaccess', 'passwd', 'ftpquota', 'sql', 'js', 'ts', 'jsx', 'tsx', 'mjs', 'json', 'sh', 'config', 'php', 'php4', 'php5', 'phps', 'phtml', 'htm', 'html', 'shtml', 'xhtml', 'xml', 'xsl', 'm3u', 'm3u8', 'pls', 'cue', 'bash', 'vue', 'eml', 'msg', 'csv', 'bat', 'twig', 'tpl', 'md', 'gitignore', 'less', 'sass', 'scss', 'c', 'cpp', 'cs', 'py', 'go', 'zsh', 'swift', 'map', 'lock', 'dtd', 'svg', 'asp', 'aspx', 'asx', 'asmx', 'ashx', 'jsp', 'jspx', 'cgi', 'dockerfile', 'ruby', 'yml', 'yaml', 'toml', 'vhost', 'scpt', 'applescript', 'csx', 'cshtml', 'c++', 'coffee', 'cfm', 'rb', 'graphql', 'mustache', 'jinja', 'http', 'handlebars', 'java', 'es', 'es6', 'markdown', 'wiki', 'tmp', 'top', 'bot', 'dat', 'bak', 'htpasswd', 'pl' ); } /** * Get mime types of text files * @return array */ function fm_get_text_mimes() { return array( 'application/xml', 'application/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'image/svg+xml', 'message/rfc822', 'application/json', ); } /** * Get file names of text files w/o extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_text_names() { return array( 'license', 'readme', 'authors', 'contributors', 'changelog', ); } /** * Get online docs viewer supported files extensions * @return array */ function fm_get_onlineViewer_exts() { return array('doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'pdf', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'ai', 'psd', 'dxf', 'xps', 'rar', 'odt', 'ods'); } /** * It returns the mime type of a file based on its extension. * @param extension The file extension of the file you want to get the mime type for. * @return string|string[] The mime type of the file. */ function fm_get_file_mimes($extension) { $fileTypes['swf'] = 'application/x-shockwave-flash'; $fileTypes['pdf'] = 'application/pdf'; $fileTypes['exe'] = 'application/octet-stream'; $fileTypes['zip'] = 'application/zip'; $fileTypes['doc'] = 'application/msword'; $fileTypes['xls'] = 'application/vnd.ms-excel'; $fileTypes['ppt'] = 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint'; $fileTypes['gif'] = 'image/gif'; $fileTypes['png'] = 'image/png'; $fileTypes['jpeg'] = 'image/jpg'; $fileTypes['jpg'] = 'image/jpg'; $fileTypes['webp'] = 'image/webp'; $fileTypes['avif'] = 'image/avif'; $fileTypes['rar'] = 'application/rar'; $fileTypes['ra'] = 'audio/x-pn-realaudio'; $fileTypes['ram'] = 'audio/x-pn-realaudio'; $fileTypes['ogg'] = 'audio/x-pn-realaudio'; $fileTypes['wav'] = 'video/x-msvideo'; $fileTypes['wmv'] = 'video/x-msvideo'; $fileTypes['avi'] = 'video/x-msvideo'; $fileTypes['asf'] = 'video/x-msvideo'; $fileTypes['divx'] = 'video/x-msvideo'; $fileTypes['mp3'] = 'audio/mpeg'; $fileTypes['mp4'] = 'audio/mpeg'; $fileTypes['mpeg'] = 'video/mpeg'; $fileTypes['mpg'] = 'video/mpeg'; $fileTypes['mpe'] = 'video/mpeg'; $fileTypes['mov'] = 'video/quicktime'; $fileTypes['swf'] = 'video/quicktime'; $fileTypes['3gp'] = 'video/quicktime'; $fileTypes['m4a'] = 'video/quicktime'; $fileTypes['aac'] = 'video/quicktime'; $fileTypes['m3u'] = 'video/quicktime'; $fileTypes['php'] = ['application/x-php']; $fileTypes['html'] = ['text/html']; $fileTypes['txt'] = ['text/plain']; //Unknown mime-types should be 'application/octet-stream' if(empty($fileTypes[$extension])) { $fileTypes[$extension] = ['application/octet-stream']; } return $fileTypes[$extension]; } /** * This function scans the files and folder recursively, and return matching files * @param string $dir * @param string $filter * @return array|null */ function scan($dir = '', $filter = '') { $path = FM_ROOT_PATH.'/'.$dir; if($path) { $ite = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path)); $rii = new RegexIterator($ite, "/(" . $filter . ")/i"); $files = array(); foreach ($rii as $file) { if (!$file->isDir()) { $fileName = $file->getFilename(); $location = str_replace(FM_ROOT_PATH, '', $file->getPath()); $files[] = array( "name" => $fileName, "type" => "file", "path" => $location, ); } } return $files; } } /** * Parameters: downloadFile(File Location, File Name, * max speed, is streaming * If streaming - videos will show as videos, images as images * instead of download prompt * https://stackoverflow.com/a/13821992/1164642 */ function fm_download_file($fileLocation, $fileName, $chunkSize = 1024) { if (connection_status() != 0) return (false); $extension = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $contentType = fm_get_file_mimes($extension); if(is_array($contentType)) { $contentType = implode(' ', $contentType); } $size = filesize($fileLocation); if ($size == 0) { fm_set_msg(lng('Zero byte file! Aborting download'), 'error'); $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); return (false); } @ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0); $fp = fopen("$fileLocation", "rb"); if ($fp === false) { fm_set_msg(lng('Cannot open file! Aborting download'), 'error'); $FM_PATH=FM_PATH; fm_redirect(FM_SELF_URL . '?p=' . urlencode($FM_PATH)); return (false); } // headers header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Type: $contentType"); $contentDisposition = 'attachment'; if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE")) { $fileName = preg_replace('/\./', '%2e', $fileName, substr_count($fileName, '.') - 1); header("Content-Disposition: $contentDisposition;filename=\"$fileName\""); } else { header("Content-Disposition: $contentDisposition;filename=\"$fileName\""); } header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); $range = 0; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) { list($a, $range) = explode("=", $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']); str_replace($range, "-", $range); $size2 = $size - 1; $new_length = $size - $range; header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content"); header("Content-Length: $new_length"); header("Content-Range: bytes $range$size2/$size"); } else { $size2 = $size - 1; header("Content-Range: bytes 0-$size2/$size"); header("Content-Length: " . $size); } $fileLocation = realpath($fileLocation); while (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean(); readfile($fileLocation); fclose($fp); return ((connection_status() == 0) and !connection_aborted()); } /** * If the theme is dark, return the text-white and bg-dark classes. * @return string the value of the variable. */ function fm_get_theme() { $result = ''; if(FM_THEME == "dark") { $result = "text-white bg-dark"; } return $result; } /** * Class to work with zip files (using ZipArchive) */ class FM_Zipper { private $zip; public function __construct() { $this->zip = new ZipArchive(); } /** * Create archive with name $filename and files $files (RELATIVE PATHS!) * @param string $filename * @param array|string $files * @return bool */ public function create($filename, $files) { $res = $this->zip->open($filename, ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($res !== true) { return false; } if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { $f = fm_clean_path($f); if (!$this->addFileOrDir($f)) { $this->zip->close(); return false; } } $this->zip->close(); return true; } else { if ($this->addFileOrDir($files)) { $this->zip->close(); return true; } return false; } } /** * Extract archive $filename to folder $path (RELATIVE OR ABSOLUTE PATHS) * @param string $filename * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function unzip($filename, $path) { $res = $this->zip->open($filename); if ($res !== true) { return false; } if ($this->zip->extractTo($path)) { $this->zip->close(); return true; } return false; } /** * Add file/folder to archive * @param string $filename * @return bool */ private function addFileOrDir($filename) { if (is_file($filename)) { return $this->zip->addFile($filename); } elseif (is_dir($filename)) { return $this->addDir($filename); } return false; } /** * Add folder recursively * @param string $path * @return bool */ private function addDir($path) { if (!$this->zip->addEmptyDir($path)) { return false; } $objects = scandir($path); if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($path . '/' . $file)) { if (!$this->addDir($path . '/' . $file)) { return false; } } elseif (is_file($path . '/' . $file)) { if (!$this->zip->addFile($path . '/' . $file)) { return false; } } } } return true; } return false; } } /** * Class to work with Tar files (using PharData) */ class FM_Zipper_Tar { private $tar; public function __construct() { $this->tar = null; } /** * Create archive with name $filename and files $files (RELATIVE PATHS!) * @param string $filename * @param array|string $files * @return bool */ public function create($filename, $files) { $this->tar = new PharData($filename); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { $f = fm_clean_path($f); if (!$this->addFileOrDir($f)) { return false; } } return true; } else { if ($this->addFileOrDir($files)) { return true; } return false; } } /** * Extract archive $filename to folder $path (RELATIVE OR ABSOLUTE PATHS) * @param string $filename * @param string $path * @return bool */ public function unzip($filename, $path) { $res = $this->tar->open($filename); if ($res !== true) { return false; } if ($this->tar->extractTo($path)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Add file/folder to archive * @param string $filename * @return bool */ private function addFileOrDir($filename) { if (is_file($filename)) { try { $this->tar->addFile($filename); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } elseif (is_dir($filename)) { return $this->addDir($filename); } return false; } /** * Add folder recursively * @param string $path * @return bool */ private function addDir($path) { $objects = scandir($path); if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($path . '/' . $file)) { if (!$this->addDir($path . '/' . $file)) { return false; } } elseif (is_file($path . '/' . $file)) { try { $this->tar->addFile($path . '/' . $file); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } } } return true; } return false; } } /** * Save Configuration */ class FM_Config { var $data; function __construct() { global $root_path, $root_url, $CONFIG; $fm_url = $root_url.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $this->data = array( 'lang' => 'en', 'error_reporting' => true, 'show_hidden' => true ); $data = false; if (strlen($CONFIG)) { $data = fm_object_to_array(json_decode($CONFIG)); } else { $msg = 'Tiny File Manager
Error: Cannot load configuration'; if (substr($fm_url, -1) == '/') { $fm_url = rtrim($fm_url, '/'); $msg .= '
'; $msg .= '
Seems like you have a trailing slash on the URL.'; $msg .= '
Try this link: ' . $fm_url . ''; } die($msg); } if (is_array($data) && count($data)) $this->data = $data; else $this->save(); } function save() { $fm_file = __FILE__; $var_name = '$CONFIG'; $var_value = var_export(json_encode($this->data), true); $config_string = " ' . $_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['message'] . '

'; unset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['message']); unset($_SESSION[FM_SESSION_ID]['status']); } } /** * Show page header in Login Form */ function fm_show_header_login() { $sprites_ver = '20160315'; header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); global $lang, $root_url, $favicon_path; ?> '; } ?> <?php echo fm_enc(APP_TITLE) ?> ">
'; } ?> <?php echo fm_enc(APP_TITLE) ?> ">

Healthy Flirting Against Unhealthy Flirting – 8 Trick Distinctions

Teasing has actually become a bad hip-hop for decades. During the convoluted arena of relationship, actually great, healthier flirting is often noticed in terms of “they may be top you on” or “she actually is got a terrible reputation as a flirt”. Culturally, also, the delight of flirting enjoyment just isn’t usually offered some praise.

There are so many questions about flirting. What are healthy teasing and poor teasing? Are there any various kinds of flirting? Exactly what are some healthier teasing contours you shouldn’t cross? Its enough to cause you to need retire to bed with a soothing heated water bottle and vow never to make an effort to flirt again!

Well, do not retire as of this time. We believe flirting is actually an art and a science, nevertheless delight of flirting really is based on understanding how to perform yourself in a wholesome, confident fashion while not stopping as a creep. It is also about having fun and making the other individual feel good about themselves. We provide some essential differences between healthy teasing and poor flirting that will ideally maybe you’ve moving back, or having a cautious starting point, on the flirting train.

What’s Healthier Flirting?

Above all we must understand what is actually healthier teasing. We usually heard that flirting is wonderful for health but exactly how would you truly healthy both for events? Healthy flirting indicates respecting limits and ensuring that you’re not offending each other. It is supposed to be fun and informal. It generally does not necessarily mean which you both are curious about one another. Since it is a great activity, men and women can casually flirt if discover permission no traces are increasingly being crossed.

Understanding Poor Flirting?

Before we get in to the crucial differences when considering healthier flirting and poor flirting, let us be obvious with what constitutes totally unhealthy flirting i.e. the absolute non-negotiables inside Land of Flirting.

Bad teasing constitutes insufficient respect for limits and cares absolutely nothing for consent and/or other individual’s convenience degrees. Remember, all of us have their very own comfort areas of conversation and closeness that produce them feel well, and healthier and ordinary flirting needs which you recognize this and flirt accordingly.

Poor flirting has no esteem for boundaries

In a nutshell, someone who is into unhealthy flirting is utterly selfish because their own sole purpose while flirting should ensure that they’ve a very good time, even when the other person’s in no way into it. Or they may be just scratching a flirty itch without putting much thought into it.

When we’ve carefully despondent and unnerved you with this all chat of unhealthy flirting, never fear. It is the right time to glance at certain elements which are vital to healthier teasing, and just how it differs from fatigued, scary, and also the
cringiest pick-up outlines
that don’t work with anybody.

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8 Crucial Differences When Considering Healthier Flirting And Unhealthy Flirting

Fine! Let us place our very own flirting hats on. We’ve centered on poor teasing plenty, very ideally, you realize a tiny bit in what not to do whenever trying to flirt. Now, why don’t we explore some healthier teasing tips while focusing throughout the important differences when considering healthier and poor flirting:

Related Reading:

These 15 Subtle Signs Of Flirting May Come As A Surprise To You Personally

1. Healthy flirting pays interest, unhealthy flirting cannot

Envision you are at a party and you see an appealing complete stranger eyeing you. Or you’re about subway, checking out, and you may feel a fellow traveler viewing you. Whenever they approach you, will they do say something careful like, “is the fact that an effective guide? I’m looking for something to review?” or simply go, “an attractive woman like you shouldn’t be waiting by yourself?”

The difference we have found that in the first situation, they will have seen what you’re performing and attempted to hit right up a discussion over merely generating an announcement concerning your appearances and a wisdom about women being alone.

Area of the delight of flirting will be pay attention to small things in regards to the other person, and know, consequently, they’re making time for you. Even if you’ve only met, an individual who’s into healthier flirting will notice if the glass is actually bare or if perhaps absolutely a subway route you frequent (in a non-stalker way!) etc.

Interest could be the meals of love (with many apologies to Shakespeare) and it is undoubtedly the main training course in which flirting is worried. an unhealthy flirt, conversely, needs sanctuary in clichés and clumsily attempt to get interest, without actually watching you.
Attending to in a relationship
is paramount, together with same keeps for teasing.

2. healthier flirting areas boundaries, bad flirting requires what it desires

We have already outlined that harmful teasing is about the individual performing the flirting without thought or worry for person from the receiving conclusion. In healthy flirting, but borders tend to be recognized, known, and trusted.

“i prefer the attention an individual gets near me and shows interest,” says Paula. “But, I’m not at ease with specific sexual innuendo or real touch unless we’ve reached know both about a tiny bit. Although we have been speaking for a few weeks, i want a little more time before we obtain compared to that level, if at all.”

Paula includes there have-been those who flirted and assumed that she was prepared for much more, even though she wasn’t. They cann’t know how she had been ready to answer the discussion but powered down when it entered a particular line.

You’ll find those people that flirt simply for the excitement from it, there may also be those people that seek comfort and expertise before getting romantic, although its spoken closeness. Healthier flirting is all about realizing we’re all finding various things when we flirt or react to a flirtatious overture. Like
healthier commitment limits
, flirting, also, requires respect and factor.

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3. healthier flirting understands it doesn’t need a motive or objective

Honestly, my personal favorite thing about flirting would be that it generally does not necessarily should finish with a hook-up after the evening or expand into a full-blown love affair. It can, needless to say, and exactly how great will it be if an excellent really love story starts with the flirty account? But, healthier flirting is generally its very own prize.

The pleasure of flirting comes lively as soon as the stress is off to create a ‘conquest’ or show a spot. Perchance you’ve received all decked out, squeezed to your favorite red dress and perilously high heel shoes, and oriented to a nightclub. Somebody lovable methods, and also you reach talking and purchase each other various drinks. Absolutely a magnetic interest, in addition to conversation is very good, but by the end of night, by shared agreement, there isn’t any next move.

Perhaps you trade figures, perhaps you cannot. Nothing of your indicates your own evening was a bust. Healthier teasing doesn’t feature plans. It can also be that an excellent bout of flirting results in a good one-night stand with no more. That is amazing also. That’s the best part about good teasing – you victory anyway.

Relevant Reading:

Using The Internet Flirting: By Using These 21 Secrets, You May Never Go Wrong!

4. Healthy flirting requires consent into account

“I get actually annoyed when I’ve mentioned ‘no, perhaps not curious’ in addition they keep coming back,” claims Austin. “It is like they think I don’t know my very own brain or that i am just playing hard to get. Its creepy and absolutely won’t generate my directory of healthier flirting examples.”

For Austin and many others, benign teasing occurs when you’re not making it a power play. The moment you decline to take permission as a cornerstone of healthier teasing, you have crossed more than inside Creep Zone. Consent in dating, permission in connections, consent in marriage – all of us are aware of these. Consent is required at each and every step of communication, intimate or else, so why should flirting end up being any various?

Persistence might be gorgeous in Victorian romance books, and even those have become much more enlightened today. But making the assumption that keeping your flirt online game heading when someone’s demonstrably maybe not interested, doesn’t move you to sexier, it suggests you are bothering them. And whether you are thinking of different types of flirting, or wondering what is bad flirting, ‘harassment’ is certainly not a word we associate with such a thing healthier.

‘No implies no’ the most important healthier teasing outlines to remember. Write it down, make an email on your own phone, and tattoo it in your arm if you feel it is needed. You have made the step and they’re not curious, it is advisable to move on.

5. healthier flirting makes you feel good about yourself

What is terrible flirting? A person that attempts to reduce you down and makes use of the insecurities against one to get you to say yes for them. Of the many different flirting, this might be most likely the worst and absolutely does not make all of our variety of healthy teasing tips.

“Let’s face it, we like comments,” says Marian. “As females, specially, we are permanently being told we have to end up being thinner, less heavy, prettier, etc. If someone’s flirting beside me, but they’re pulling me personally down, producing me feel unsightly like they can be doing me personally a favor by giving me personally interest – really, that’s not beautiful.”

Marian additionally emphasizes that while compliments are great, they need to be honest. “Regardless of if we have now merely came across, and all of you’re saying is the fact that i am actually fairly, it would be nice understand you imply it along with your vision are not skittering over the room in search of the next conquest just in case we state no.”

Associated Reading:

Dealing With Someone Which Enables You To Feel Insecure

Healthier flirting typically should be more than just a line. Or if it’s a range, allow beneficial and sincere versus generating some one feel bad about by themselves. As an excellent flirt, you should be at the very least partially safe yourself to help you distribute that nice, nice flirt electricity inside optimal way.

6. Healthy teasing doesn’t wait till you are by yourself

Ryan Gosling fans, remember that world inside (seriously weird) film wild Stupid Love in which Gosling techniques Emma Stone the very first time? She actually is with a friend but he comes up to her anyhow and tells the woman she’s super lovable.

Now, not every one of all of us have actually a Ryan Gosling level of self-confidence, or his abs. Also, maybe you’re thinking it really is unbelievably impolite in the future up and interrupt a discussion as you look for somebody in a team appealing. But, in the name of healthy flirting examples, notice myself on.

As a lady exactly who loves performing circumstances by myself, I’ve had plenty of men and women developed for me when I’m alone, and it’s really terribly clear that they’re nearing because I’m alone, and therefore, a straightforward target and a lot more susceptible. My response in such cases is usually to stiffen up and matter their particular objectives. Additionally it is the inherent presumption that a woman alone is actually either solitary and/or desperate for interest and so will state yes to you personally regardless. I possibly could be
gladly unmarried
and just from personal – who is browsing give consideration to that?

But maybe once or twice, I’ve been out in a bunch, and somebody has politely show up and indicated interest. And I also’ve really appreciated it because they don’t wait until I was alone and since it can take more courage to approach some one once they’re enclosed by men and women. Additionally, it’s method of hot that a person believes you’re very lovely they can’t wait to tell you!

7. healthier flirting understands that ‘just intercourse’ is merely okay

Hello, it’s your note that healthy teasing wont constantly trigger a long-lasting relationship or a starry-eyed love. Often, it’ll be one great night or a number of fantastic evenings or everyday dating or pals with advantages. And they’re all completely good, perfectly healthy methods for loving and lusting.

“I’d merely undergone a break up, and I also wasn’t in search of anything major or long-term,” says Meg. “i needed interest, i needed someone to create myself feel gorgeous, and I also planned to be moved and presented without worrying about any strings or exactly what might occur next day or if they would phone or text.”

Related Reading:

10 Symptoms You Are Relationship Is Actually A Fling And Nothing More

Meg adds that a number of the guys she met up with could not believe that she don’t wish any other thing more. “They failed to understand when you should back away, cannot notice that only a little harmless flirting and closeness was great for me personally. A couple of them kept texting and accusing me of top them in, though I’d been obvious about my personal intentions.”

We like a happily-ever-after form of really love tale but we also love a fantastic night of great gender and fun. Healthier flirting concentrates on what’s best for all parties concerned. If you’re looking for the forever really love, that’s great, but recall we are all on the lookout for love on our personal terms and conditions, that is certainly fine.

8. healthier flirting doesn’t stop after marriage/commitment

Flirting is indeed usually considered special to singletons and the ones trying to find some spruce within unmarried resides. But healthy teasing is a fantastic way to keep carefully the spark alive in a married relationship or long-lasting commitment, especially if you’re in a
long-distance relationship.

Now, we suggest flirting with your partner or partner, maybe not someone else’s. If a married guy is flirting to you, or your own partner is flirting with another woman, that’s harmful teasing, an entire different tale and your union most likely need professional help. If this sounds like the outcome, feel free to get in touch with Bonobology’s
screen of advisors

When your really love tale features completed a few years, you can your investment things performed showing simply how much you want each other.
How-to romantically flirt together with your spouse
isn’t something that’s usually mentioned usually but it is beautiful to flirt with some one you are already aware is your own website.

Flirty texts, telling your partner that another set of pants looks fantastic on them, and kissing all of them with no explanation all are fantastic signs and symptoms of healthier teasing. In fact, it’s harmful to let your own commitment languish as you can’t be troubled to flirt anymore!

5 Types Of Healthy Flirting

Now you know what’s the difference between healthy and poor flirting, listed here are 5 examples of healthier flirting to assist you your video game:

  • I have a key to tell you, but I would like to reveal face-to-face
  • You’re solitary. I am unmarried. I believe along these lines is a concern we can solve with each other
  • It’s cold now. Should I heat you upwards?
  • I cannot concentrate nowadays. I’m also distracted considering you
  • Are you a triangle? Since you’re severe

Key Pointers

  • Teasing is enjoyable and joyful
  • Discover a considerable distinction between healthier and bad flirting
  • Healthy flirting understands boundaries whereas harmful flirting makes the other person uncomfortable
  • Healthy teasing doesn’t prevent with a connection and must end up being carried on to increase the relationship

Absolutely a great deal to end up being stated for healthier teasing and flexing the flirt muscles normally possible, be it along with your developed spouse or some body original, or a crush you’ve had emotions for forever. Actually, like the majority of abilities, flirting requirements exercise if it is planning to be proper supply of happiness and fun.

Teasing is actually a fine balance – that’s why it really is so important to understand the essential difference between healthier and bad advances. Prior to taking any actions to flirt, stop as well as have a good considercarefully what is bad flirting, just what it requires, and how close could started to harassment.

This information has been current in Oct, 2022

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